The Jett Travolta Foundation is a charitable organization recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation may use its resources, and make grants, for such charitable, literary and educational purposes as the Charitable Foundation determines from time to time.
Some of the Foundation’s specific objectives are to use its resources to assist and provide relief to children with vision, hearing, mobility, communication, behavior learning impairments or other special medical, environmental, health or educational needs.
It may also use its resources, and make grants to (a) educate the public about the need for a clean environment; (b) provide relief and assistance to children who are victims of natural or man-made disasters; and (c) provide grief counseling relating to the loss of a family member or other tragedy.
It may also use its resources and make grants for other charitable, literary and educational non-profit purposes, which may assist or benefit children and/or adults.
Annual distributions of income and/or principal shall be paid, applied, used and/or distributed in furtherance of one or more of these purposes in such amounts and proportions as the Foundation shall determine.
Check or money orders can be made out to:
Jett Travolta Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 710
North Hollywood, CA 91603