Let’s help save the rhinos in South Africa from Kelly Preston on Vimeo.
I am reaching out to all of you to please do whatever you can to assist with the massive Rhino crisis that we are faced with in South Africa. There are only around 22,000 Rhino left in South Africa and at the current rate of poaching, we are looking at extinction by the year 2050, but with massive escalation of poaching—it could be sooner. We need to get the full-time helicopter program back up and running. With this program in the air, we saw an 85% reduction in poaching. I am pleading with you to please make your donation today to help save these beautiful animals. It is all of our responsibility to do whatever we can to save them. My dear friend Lawrence Anthony did so much to help save animals during his life. I urge you to support the helicopter program, which The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization is running with East Coast Radio. Any amount will help, let’s all make a difference and thank you, thank you, thank you for your support.
To make a donation: http://earthorganization.org